Sunday, June 20, 2010

Com 11 Journal 1

Back in high school,choosing a college wasn't that hard for me. Not counting all the other colleges and universities in abroad, there was only one school i wanted to attend. I wasn't going to UP because frankly, my mental capacity wasn't up to the challenge of taking the UPCAT (not registering for said UPCAT test also helped). I refused to go to UST for a pre-med course because i honestly did not know where it is. And of course, i wasn't going to attend DLSU because I a.) refuse to attend a school that I have hated for the most part of my life, b.) refuse to cheer for a mascot who was wearing skimpy green leotards, barely covering his nether regions,and with that, b1.) refuse to wear green to the UAAP games (it totally goes against my skin tone and eyes), c.) would not be forever outcast from my Atenean alumni family, and most importantly, d.) refuse to attend a school that had no parking whatsoever. Given that, Ateneo seemed like the most logical and safest choice.

Choosing the school was the easy part, picking my course was a totally different story. Coming from a kid who wanted to be a lifeguard on the fictional sandy beaches of "Baywatch" and who wanted to have everyday make-out sessions with Pamela Anderson, I was at a lost as to whether which course I would take. In the end though, I decided to choose BS-Communications Technology Management. Sorry, scratch that, I was PUT in BS-Communications Technology Management since I was wait-listed. Anyhow, I've come to realize that it actually is a blessing in disguise.

When struggling with my application to The Ateneo, I was taken aback by the of plethora of acronyms I had in my hands. A conversation in my head during those days would go something a little like this:

"What the hell does ME mean?"

"Wait, why the hell are there 2 Management courses?"

"Why do half of these courses have Management in them?"

"Shit, I'm hungry, I wonder what's for dinner. I hope it's beef, beef would be good right about now. Or maybe chicken, yeah, that would be cool too. Shit, I'm hungry, I can't wait for dinner, and its only 4. Crap, 3 more hours 'til dinner, I can't wait that long, maybe I should make a run to Mickey-D's. Ohhhhh yeah, A Quarter Pounder would be good right about now. What the hell am I thinking?! I should be finishing this. Screw it, I'm going to McDonalds, this can wait. Now, if I could only get up and take a shower."

"I wonder if I'd make it in Pre-Div."

Yes, this was essentially my state of mind a couple of years ago. But in the end, I chose to put CommTech into my list of choices (above M-h and ME, mind you) because my brother had previously taken it. I thought,"Hey, my brother isn't doing too bad for himself, maybe I should take up his course". Lucky enough, it was a decision that I did not regret.

Now that I have a better grasp on the course, I've realized that I chose a Communications course because it fit my personality and likes perfectly. It had everything I was essentially looking for. Firstly, I admittedly, am a very outgoing person. I'm the type who can openly communicate with my peers. I'm the type who really doesn't mind getting embarrassed as long as I get my point across (just check the videos of my Facebook. A fair warning though, sever nausea, failure at spatial recognition, and blindness may occur). Moreover, it had an essence of business and marketing, 2 things that are very interesting to me, which was readily available, which basically made CommTech the only choice for me. Lastly, I believe that the word communication has a very simple definition for me. Basically, it's what you do, spoken or otherwise, that enables you to properly come to an understanding with the person you are conversing to in your own unique way.