Sunday, July 18, 2010

Comm 11 Blog 4

I realized 3 things when attempting to write this blog. First, I am one uninspired, unoriginal, and more or less lazy "blogger". I couldn't think of any topic to actually connect to the lessons because of the interference, or should I say the genocidal rape of my brain cells, of the process known as Accounting. No, but seriously though, I've got this Accounting test on Friday and I've been studying for 4 days straight. How the hell does Ateneo expect me to grow into a man for others if I am being harassed by the shady being known as Ibarra on a weekly basis?! Secondly, my blogs, compared to the my classmates', is considered to be a total let down on my part. My blog site is dull and lacking, theirs is flashy and sexy. They've got pictures, videos, and fancy drawings using Paint, and all I've got are well,words. They use fancy words that honestly make me feel retarded and display pictures up on their blogger's profile box. They've got really creative introductions to their respective blogs, while I'm stuck with "I realized 3 things when attempting to write this blog"> To put it simply, their blogs are comparable Miranda Kerr, while mine is considered to be the post- Baywatch Pamela Anderson meets Lindsay Lohan of the blogging world. Lastly and probably the most important of my 3 realizations - my blog doesn't have a title. It's saddening...really.

So what does this have to do with my topic for this week? Absolutely Nothing. I just needed to release.

On with the blog though, the theories presented this week were very much interesting. The one that actually caught my attention and am totally not discussing because it's the easiest, is the Helical-Spiral Theory. To those not familiar with the term, it was conceptualized by a man with an even better name that Clint Eastwood, Frank Dance. It essentially discusses how communication progresses through time and the potential it has to be both complex and dynamic the more people communicate. It improves at every turn of the spiral and as time passes, the more it has the ability to improve the thing that is originally being communicated. With that, this theory can easily be applied to one of the most, if not the most controversial person today. Barack Obama? No. Lady Gaga? No. Justine Beiber? No. But, who can be more controversial than the first black president of the United States, a transsexual singer who likes being the center of attention, and a prepubescent teenage boy, scratch that, girl combined? Well, the answer is simple...

Lebron James.

A couple of weeks ago, in the heat of the free agent frenzy of the NBA, Lebron James, the most coveted free agent in probably a decade, signed with the Miami Heat so that he could play with fellow Olympians and superstars Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. It was a move that was considered cowardly by many since Lebron left his home state of Ohio for the chance to win the NBA championship with the help of more talented players. Moreover, people believe that the main reason as to why he chose the Sunshine State over other teams is because he thinks that he can't win a championship all by his lonesome. With this, one can only guess why a player who is arguably the best player in the word (I stress the word arguably, because seriously, he isn't), would refuse the chance to bring a team to eternal glory by himself? The question here is if Michael Jordan did it, why can't James do the same?* However, if one does take into context the theory stated above, one can see that this story of the ultimate back stab can be answered as time passes by because people actually come to understand as to why he did it.

Firstly, the main reason why he did it is because of Bosh and Wade. The trio had so much success and chemistry during the 2008 Olypmics that made James' decision pretty much elementary. Secondly, history show that once you put 3 superstars together, a championship almost always follows. Think of Garnett, Allen and Pierce in 2007, Magic Johnson, James Worthy, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the 80's. Lastly, the fact is James, no matter how high his superstar status is, is just not a closer. For me, the only 2 players in the NBA who are proven finishers are Kobe Bryant and you guessed it, Dwayne Wade. Here, James saw the chance to have a plan to combat the fact that he couldn't finish games and it's the 6-4 guard wearing number 3. Just a little input though, the real reason why Kobe is a better player than Lebron is because Kobe wants the ball in his hands during the final seconds of the game. Lebron would rather pass it off to Wade.

With that, the Helical-Spiral theory has just helped determining as to why Lebron James did go all Benedict Arnold on The Cavs. With the proper time and progression, this topic has been improved and can be now understood more properly.

Why am I so harsh on Lebron James though? Well, the answer doesn't need any theories to explain it. It's simply because I am a Kobe fan.

* Because Lebron James is NOT better the Michael Jordan.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, don't be too hard on yourself. You write well. And you process things in a very smart way. Pictures, graphics and fancy lay-outs rarely impress me the same way words do.

    Second: Thank you for explaining clearly what all this Lebron James business is all about. Obviously I'm not a hardcore basketball fan but with all the media hype behind Lebron's move to Miami, one cannot help but be at least interested. What I don't really seem to get is how this has anything to do with Dance's theory. Or maybe I just don't get the basketball analogy that well.
